Barry, Jeremiah Hayes (Hon.)
1854 – 1946
Judge Supreme Court N.B.
York County
Born, May 21st, 1858, at Maugerville, Sunbury County, N.B. Of Irish ancestry. Son of Patrick Barry, Esq., and his wife, Julia Hayes, both natives of Bandon, Ireland, who emigrated to New Brunswick in 1840, and settled at Maugerville.
Educated at the Maugerville, Public School; at St. Mary’s, York County; and at the Collegiate School, Fredericton, N.B. Studied law in the office of James Arthur Vanwart (q.v.), Barrister, Fredericton, N.B. Was admitted to the Bar of N.B. as an Attorney, June 28th, 1882, and as a Barrister, June, 1884.
Located at Fredericton, N.B., and engaged in the practice of his profession. In 1889, he entered into legal partnership with the Hon. A.G. Blair (q.v.), this partnership continuing until 1896, when the Hon. Mr. Blair was appointed Minister of Railways in the Federal Administration of the Right Hon. Sir Wilfred Laurier. Was appointed a Q.C. in 1899. Was Clerk of the York County Court, and in September, 1899, was appointed Judge of Probate for York County. He held this latter position until his appointment to the Supreme Court.
Took an active interest in municipal affairs, and in fraternal and service organizations. Was a member of the Senate of the Univ. of N.B.; a Trustee of Vitoria Hospital, Fredericton, N.B.; Member of the Fredericton City Board of Health. Was Vice Pres. of the N.B. Barrister’s Association. Member of K. of C.; A.O.H.; C.M.B.A.
Married, June 10th, 1891, to Miss Isabella Owens, daughter of John Owens, Esq., Merchant, Fredericton, N.B. By this marriage there was a family of two sons and two daughters.
On May 28th, 1909, he was appointed a Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of N.N., vice Mr. Justice George F. Gregory (q.v.), resigned.
On the re-organization of the Supreme Court of N.B., December 11th, 1913, he was appointed a Justice of the King’s Bench Division. On October 1st, 1924, he was appointed Chief Justice of the King’s Bench Division, vice Mr. Justice Harrison A. McKeown (q.v.), resigned. On October 18th, 1945, he retired from the Supreme Court of N.B., due to age.
He died, March 23rd, 1946, at Fredericton, N.B. aged eighty-seven years. Buried in the Hermitage, Fredericton, N.B. Survived by his widow, two sons, and two daughters.
Mrs. Barry died December 13th, 1951.
In Politics: a Liberal.
In Religion: a Roman Catholic.
1: Son: Charles Rossiter
Barrister; Judge of Probate, Fredericton, N.B. (B. 1892 – D. Dec. 23, 1968.) Unmarried.
2. Dau: Mary Isabella
Librarian, Fredericton, N.B. Retired.
3. Son: Paul Rossiter Hayes
Credit Manager, Long Island, New York.
4. Dau: Agnes Rita
Ottawa, Ont. Mar. John McPeake O’Brien (Deceased), Lumberman, South Nelson, N.B.
MC1156 – Graves Papers