A number of “O’Mahoney Fenians” as they are called arrived at Eastport, in the “New Brunswick,” from Portland, on Tuesday. – They are described by those who came passengers with them from Portland, as a most ruffianly looking set. They did not bring their arms with them, because, as was at first stated the steamer could not take them; but it is now alleged that the officers of the boat would not bring them. The following [despatch] was sent by the editor of the St. Croix Courier to the Evening Globe:
EASTPORT, April 10.
I have ascertained the fact that Killian, with his two secretaries, Daley and Davies arrived here on Friday and put up at Mabees’ hotel, attracting unfavourable attention. They erased their names from the hotel books.
They are making free use of the wires and are constantly receiving despatches.
Killian applied at the Frontier Bank for funds and presented a telegram from New York certifying that his bankers held sixty thousand dollars at his credit. The bank would not advance the money and he is expecting the necessary vouchers by the steamer to-morrow.
An effort is being made to charter transports.
Schooner Sinbad was chartered to leave for Machias this afternoon, but through the influence of the British Council and prominent citizens charter was revoked.
A small boat of 15 tons however eluded their vigilance and got out.
Revenue cutter Ashuelot is coaling up and preparing for an outward voyage.
Every precaution will be taken to prevent the breach of neutrality laws.
Great excitement here! Much terror prevails in Campobello and several families have removed here.