Mr. CHUBB, —
SIR, – A few months ago, I witnessed a scene in Church street, which must have been exceedingly offensive to those who entertain sentiments of loyalty, and a desire for peace and tranquility. A party of Orangeman marched down that street and entered Mr. J. Nethery’s house on their return from the funeral of one of their Members whom they had accompanied to the grave, each wearing on his arm the usual emblem of discord and faction. Shortly after this exhibition took place, I observed a communication in the ‘ Courier’ deprecating such a conduct, and calling upon the City authorities to take immediate steps to crush all such illegal and reprehensible proceedings, – However, as no notice has been taken of the matter in the proper quarter, the Orangemen now begin to think they may hold their meetings, parade our streets playing party tunes, and insult their Catholic neighbours with impunity. It is really deplorable that Irishmen, who know that incalculable evils have been brought upon their native land by party spirit, should revive it in this hitherto peaceable country. Certainly no Protestant, who has any regard for his Church or Religion, will give countenance to such shameful conduct, – yet, I regret to find that it is encouraged by many, of whom better things might be expected.
On Monday evening last, the anniversary of the battle of the Boyne was celebrated in James Nethery’s, by a large number of Orangemen, who call themselves the supporters of Protestantism, but whose conduct is calculated to bring disgrace upon themselves and the Religion they profess. At an early hour they commenced singing offensive songs, playing party tunes, and drinking toasts and sentiments, that have often been the cause of animosity, hatred and bloodshed in their own county. As the night advanced they became more noisy and clamourous, till about two o’clock on Tuesday morning, when those who were able sullied out to the streets, to the great annoyance of many of our citizens, who were disturbed by their yells.
The Catholics of this City have hitherto shewn their good sense in not noticing these disturbers of the peace, and I trust they will continue to respect the law: but, if the authorities do not take means to suppress the Orange faction, the time may not be far distant when scenes of bloodshed may hear tragic evidence of their dereliction of duty. There are many Catholics who came to this country in hopes of having the privilege of worshipping God according to conscience; and to live in peace with their neighbours, rather than remain in their own ill-fated country, where, I have reason to believe, the sacred sanctuaries of courts of justice have been polluted by the infuriated prejudices of party spirit; and should an association which has been founded in blood, and supported by intolerance and bigotry be fostered in this country, it cannot fail to rouse their feelings, and they will very probably confederate in order to repel force with force. Nothing short of a timely interference on the part of the City authorities will prevent this evil.