MF – 1866.09.13 – Fenianism and Confederation – #151 – F12251

SIR: – The result of the elections in this Province [unmistakeably] proved that the people did not properly understand the question of Confederation on the occasion of their first decision, or that they foolishly and recklessly submitted their judgment in the latter instance to the control of the most corrupt and infamous politicians that the British Colonies have been cursed with since their first settlement; men who, by the mere persistence in unblushing falsehoods, cajolery and bribery, succeeded in deluding a weak minded people. – The evidence of the latter fact is shown by the manner in which they are being treated by a number of those politicians at present in Great Britain.

It is not my purpose on this occasion to show the shameless waste of the hard earnings of the people now going on, and the utter contempt and disregard of all respect for their intelligence and common sense. My object at the present time is to produce the proofs with regard to the infamous character of those who may be designated as the leaders in this Fenian movement of Confederation; and endeavour to prepare the people for the troubles that must surely overwhelm them when those arch-traitors have succeeded in their schemes.

And, first, with regard to the “Fenian T. D’Arcy McGee,” I proceed to open as it were, the sheet which contains the secrets of his heart; the damnable proof of the traitorous principles fastened upon him, and which will continue to show fruit until he has succeeded in deluging these peaceful Provinces with blood, and separating them from the British Empire. The following extracts are from best English authorities:

Illustrated London News, 22nd July, 1848: – “The Limerick Grand Jury have found true bills against Mr. T. F. Meagher. He has traversed to next assizes, and his trial for “sedition” accordingly stands postponed until the month of March, 1849. The proceedings adopted by the law officers of the Crown in the case of Mr. D’Arcy McGee, of the Nation, and Mr. Hollywood, one of the Club emissaries, have, by some mismanagement, been rendered altogether nugatory. The offence with which Messrs. McGee and Hollywood stood charged was committed on Sunday, July 2nd. The [informations], however, were not lodged until Wednesday, the 12th inst., on the evening of which day, at six o’clock, their arrest was accomplished.”

London News, 29th July 1848: – “[Advices] of the most alarming kind reached town from Ireland on Thursday afternoon. The Clubs have declared that they are determined to resist to the death, and await the striking of the “first blow” by the Government. With the object of entrenching themselves, Mr. O’Brien retreated to Wexford, Mr. Meagher to Waterford, Mr. O’Gorman, Junr., to Limerick, and Michael Doheny to Cashel or Clonmel. Mr. D’Arcy McGee, another prominent leader of the Confederates, (he is again a leader of the Confederates) was among the list of the missing at head-quarters, but his destination was unknown. Some of the inferior leaders were also in eclipse, in anticipation of the arrival on Tuesday evening of the Act empowering Lord Clarendon to deal in a summary method with all persons “suspected” of treasonable designs against her Majesty’s person or Government.”

London News, Nov. 4th, 1848: – REBEL FUGITIVES. – The Warder makes the following announcement: – “Mr. Thomas D’Arcy McGee, the able and energetic co-operator with Mr. Duffy in the management of the Nation, and author of some of the most unequivocal and audacious treason in poetry and prose, has, we are assured, positively effected his escape to the more congenial climate of the United States. A letter has been received in town by a near relation of the insurgent exile, announcing his safe arrival in Philadelphia.”

And now Mr. Editor, I place before your readers specimens of the poetry of Mr. T. D’Arcy McGee, showing the “audacious treason” spoken of above – which rankled in his heart:

Beside Niagara’s awful wave
He stood – a ransom’d Irish slave;
Self-ransomed by a woeful flight,
That robbed his heaven of half its light,
And flung him in a nation free –
The fettered slave of Memory.
The exile’s eye strove not to rest
Upon the cataract’s curling crest,
Nor paused it on the brilliant bow
Which hung aslant the gulf below;
The banks of adamant to him
Were unsubstantial, tall and dim;
But from his gaze, a child had guessed
There raged a cataract in his breast.
A flag against the northern sky
Alone engaged his eager eye;
Upon Canadian soil it stood –
Its hue was that of human blood;
Its hue was crossed with pallid scars –
Pale, steely, stiff as prison bars.
“Oh, cursed flag!” the exile said,
“The hair grows heavy on my head:
My blood leaps wilder than this water,
On seeing thee, thou sign of slaughter;
Oh, may I never meet my death
Till I behold the day of wrath,
When on they squadrons shall be poured
The vengeance heaven so long has stored!”
Then turning to his friends, who had
Deemed him from sudden frenzy mad:
“My friends,” he said, “you little know
The fire yon red rag kindles so;
None but an Irish heart can tell
The thought that causes mine to swell,
When I behold the fatal sign
That blighted the green land once mine;
That stripped her of each gallant chief;
That scourged her for her bold belief;
That would have blotted out her name,
Could England buy the trump of Fame;
But, help us, Heaven, she never can!
While lives one constant Irishman.”
He paused. No human voice replied;
But, with a mighty oath, the tide
Seemed swearing as it leaped and ran –
“No! no! by Heaven, they never can!
While lives one constant Irishman.”

Let your readers pause over the following lines, and clasp their throbbing hearts when the full force of the horrid oath therein recorded – the eternal enmity to British rule thus displayed – is felt within them:

“I swear to you, dear Duffy, by my honour and my faith,
As I hope for stainless name, and salvation after death,
By the green grave of my MOTHER, ‘neath Selsker’s ruined wall,
By the birth-land of my early hopes, of you – my bride – and all.
That my days are DEDICATED to the RUIN OF THAT POWER,
That holds you fast and libels you in your defence-less hour.
Like an Indian of the wild woods I’ll dog their track of slime,
Till I shake the Gaza pillars of the godless Mam mon shrine!”

This is the Fenian Chief who is now working in the interests of Confederation, and his followers in the United States and in these Provinces are assisting him in his labours; – not in open opposition to the British Flag in Ireland, but covertly and with pretended affection for the British Colonists – determined to separate them forever from the British Empire!

The loyal people of New Brunswick struggled hard for the connection that had always existed, but they were defeated in their efforts; and it now only remains for them, when the ruin of their Country is accomplished, and the object of Traitors has been successful, to inflict dire vengeance on the Fenian leader THOS. D’ARCY MCGEE, and his accomplices in this Province – the lying hypocrites who deceived their own people, who are now robbing them, and wasting their resources in Great Britain – still indulging in the same gluttony and drunkenness that marked their course through the British Provinces!

Yours, &c.,
September 10th, [2866] T.

MF – 1866.05.19 – Fenians – Campobello – #148 – F12251

Fenians! Fenians!! With the Anti-Responsible Government party now it is all Fenians and Fenianism. You look in vain in their papers for any defence of the Governor, or of the men who are responsible for the Governor’s conduct – if Responsible Government is not dead, – or for any argument in favour of Confederation on any terms. Al these they have abandoned. Beaten completely in argument, they try it no longer, but fill their columns with abuse of Mr. Smith, whose pure patriotism and generous, self-sacrificing conduct are so hateful to them, and of Mr. Anglin, whom they would represent as a monster, and of other persons whom they regard as obstacles in the way of their fell designs against the liberties and rights of the people. These they endeavour to crush under a mountain of lies and misrepresentations, and beside this you get nothing but Fenianism. They seem to imagine that the people of this Province will not only do their duty and repel and punish any attempt at invasion, should it be made; but that they can be persuaded to destroy its very existence by their own hands, and surrender all their rights and liberties by their own act, in order to prove how much they abhor Fenianism, by doing precisely what the Fenians themselves are said to wish and work for.

The Globe of Tuesday evening, reviewing a manifesto published by Col. O’Mahony in defence of his conduct, shows from it that the late movement on our frontier was entirely the work of Mr. Killian, the quondam partner of Mr. D’Arcy M’Gee. The Globe concludes: –

“If the object of Mr. Killian’s expedition was to assist Confederation, he worked it up admirably, and it was not a failure. His speeches on the border, and his presence there, have been made capital of to a great extent by the Confederation party.

“The most remarkable thing in the whole affair is this. O’Mahoney in his document begins thus (we quote from the Journal’s reprint): “ ‘ During the session which commenced on the 17th of March last, a joint meeting, composed of the C. C. and the chiefs of the bureaus, an expedition to Campobello was proposed by B. Doran Killian, and warmly advocated by Mr. P. A. Sinnett * * * The Majority of the Central Council and myself were opposed to the raids made upon Campobello as an isolated movement, though in favor of it as a movement co-operative with a descent upon Ireland and the launching of privateers. It was, also, the unanimous opinion of those present that no movement should be made until after the arrival of James Stephens, then and still daily expected on these shores. General Wm. C. Halpin, who had recently landed from Ireland, most forcibly insisted upon this point. So did Messrs. Rogers, Kavanagh, Col. Downing, and Captains Tobin and McCafferty. A resolution to this effect was actually passed before the Council adjourned.

“Yet on the 10th March, just one week before the Central Council met, and before the attack on Campobello was proposed to that Council, the editor of the Colonial Presbyterian announced in his paper that a Fenian attack was contemplated on that Island, and he has since stated that the information came from the British Consul at New York or the British Minister at Washington, or both. On the 16th March the day before the Council met, and before an attack on Campobello was agreed to, by that body, the Governor of New Brunswick, also acting on [advices] said to be received from persons in authority, asked and received from the Legislature the whole revenues of the Province for defence purposes, and he had, it was understood, previously made some communication to his Council on the same subject.

“How is it then that between the 10th and 17th of March, when the idea of attacking Campobello had not been broached by the [Fenians leaders] and when they had not discussed it, or agreed to it, and when they might never agree to it, – how is it, we ask, that the informants of the editor of the Colonial Presbyterian and of the Lieutenant Governor were in possession of the knowledge that the attack was to be made? Why was it that after the Central Council had agreed to make the attack, but decided [to] put it off until the arrival of James Stephens, that the mysterious somebody (who can be no other than Mr. Killian) called out the ‘fighting material and precipitated the whole thing, determined that it should come off according to previous agreement?

“We should like to, be enlightened on these points!”

The Journal makes no attempt to shed the necessary light.

MF – 1866.05.10 – Fenians – By Telegraph – #147 – F12251

NEW YORK, May 8.
O’Mahoney has issued a circular stating that he was erroneously informed that the Island of Campobello was neutral ground; that he intended establishing a Fenian camp there; that thence would be sent privateers; that the failure was owing to the undue publicity of the action to the United States and British Governments; that he made a mistake in consenting to the movement, and hereafter will steadily do his duty as a Fenian.
From here the content refers to nothing relevant.
Probst has confessed to his priest that he alone murdered the Deering family at Philadelphia.
A powder Mill at Enfield, Conn., exploded yesterday, blowing to atoms four of the work men.
The Health officer’s report shows three new cases, and three deaths from Cholera, since the last return. Sixty-five convalescent patients have been transferred from the Hospital Ship to the ship Saratoga, leaving only forty-seven in the Hospital. The total number of deaths by cholera is 50.
The initiation of the trial of Jefferson Davis is positively going on in Virginia, by authority of the Government, and his early trial in a civil court is a fixed fact.
Freedmen’s affairs in Virginia are reported to be in a most favorable condition. The schools are generally well attended, and the prejudice against the Freedmen is diminishing. – Their sanitary condition is much improved, and Hospitals are abolished. The demand for labour exceeds the supply. Wages for males average #12 per month – including food, quarters, and medical attendance.

MF – 1866.05.05 – Fenians – By Telegraph – Eastport – #146 – F12251

A schooner said to be a Fenian Privateer, was boarded by the Custom House officers this morning.
A large number of armed men were on board, and she had Fenian arms on board.
A Custom House officer just arrived from Lubec reports that armed Fenians left there in a small fishing vessel this morning, but were put on board a large schooner back of Grand Manan, N. B.
The United States steamer Winooski has just left the harbour in pursuit of the Fenian privateer.
Gold 128.

MF – 1866.05.03 – Fenian as a Scare Tactic – #145 – F12251

The sole hope, the only reliance of the foes of Responsible Government, and of the people’s rights, is the Fenians. Without the aid of the Fenians they know they can do nothing. We have already drawn attention to the remarkable coincidence that although the telegrams had been silent about the Fenians for some weeks, the bands under Killian began to make their appearance on the border just about the time that the Governor and his backstairs counsellors concluded to trample the rights of the people under foot. The declaration of Killian to the Mr. M –––– of the Telegraph that he knew long before what pranks the Governor was about to play, and the assertions of Major Sinnott to others of our newspaper correspondents that he knew what was coming, &c., were not more significant than Killian’s declaring at his public meetings that he would not allow Confederation to be carried, a declaration which he knew well was calculated to help the Confederates, a declaration which, we doubt not, he was paid by the Canadian party for making.

It was too expensive to keep even a few hundred men on the border for months. An expenditure of some hundreds of thousands of dollars can not very well be concealed even in the Canadian public accounts. When the back stairs Imperialists first determined on the grand stroke they believed that a general election would not be necessary. Some members of the majority was to be induced to accept the vacant seat in the Legislative Council, and make room for Mr. Tilley. This would give the backstairs party 18 votes. The single elections of the new office holders they calculated would not be opposed, as the friends of Responsible Government, expecting a general election, would husband their strength and resources for that; so the members of the new Government would get back without difficulty, and when back they could buy three or four members of the majority although they had already endeavoured in vain to corrupt them, and so while the people were looking for another general election they would find their independence destroyed, and their right sold as in Nova Scotia. The firm attitude of the 22 who signed Mr. Otty’s resolutions, and the quarrels which followed the scramble for office amongst themselves, dispelled all these anticipations, and they found a general election inevitable. They found also that if they dissolved at once they must be beaten, notwithstanding the Fenian sham, and that they must take time to blunt the people’s keen sense of right, and to bury the love of liberty under the prejudices which they labour to inflame. For this work some weeks at least will be required.

And so the Fenians disappear from the frontier as strangely as they came. Will they turn up again in the nick of time just when the elections are about to come off? Let our readers ask themselves this question and wait a little while for the answer. Meantime an old well known mode of keeping up the excitement at much less cost is again resorted to, and papers purporting to emanate from a Republican Committee of St. John, which, we believe, has no existence, save in the imagination of the enemies of the people, are scattered about profusely. No sensible man can imagine that any anti-Confederate, any friend of Responsible Government, would take any part in a proceeding which is so manifestly calculated to do service to the enemy. It is their own work; plainly and [unmistakeably] theirs, as was the scattering of bogus ballots on the morning of the last County